Hey folks! so my camera is still without it's memory card.I have worked on my new folding box for my monsters homes...I just need to glue in the paper rooms and get the flooring finished.These boxes are way cool! they kind of create a hall way effect...so I'm doodling some trim on the sides and maybe gluing some fancy cardstock in for a carpet.
I made my kiddos some cool clay Daleks. I made their arms out of toothpicks and some round clay pieces for at the end to act as their suction cup hands....incase you don't know what Daleks are they are those crazy robotic aliens that love to "Exterminate" things!
I basically just made the shape of them, then I put holes in the clay where the arms go baked them and then put their arms in....this way they won't break.All that was left to do was drawn the little ball details and the rings where their necks are on....no biggie I can do that later but their one large eye is also on the top....Very cool!!! I would have to say my favorite character (besides the Doctor) would be the lovely Amelia Pond... she's adorable and awesome!
Being a big Dr. Who fan I am very familiar with his nemesis the Daleks. I bet it was great fun creating those diabolical little monsters for your kids. :)