Saturday, June 29, 2013

Around the craft room

Soooo I've been busy in my little craft corner and made some humans for my Monstrous Baubles world...their pretty darn cute!

Two boys and two girls..... I'm making more I believe of maybe a small human village that moved to the monster world.....then some half humans running around!

I also made my dad a cute keychain

Very cool....I also made some clay pendants that are way cool...I should have those on here later.
I have some really neato coasters too...I made these I think like two years ago,I started using them in the craft room for my I guess I'm testing them again and they rock!

Frankenstein and a yetti
Silly troll
I have The bride for Frankie too but I lost her,will find her soon though! Sooo these I might make more of because their rad.

 TA DA! My mini corner of fun stuff around my craft room....yeah I like showing it off....the little face cup was given to my from a friend and I LOVE it! it's a vintage Cambell soup kid cup bowl it a lot! it's twin is in the kitchen and I eat icecream from it in style!
That concludes my entry!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

NEWWWWW stuff!!!

I got my memory card yesterday and now here are the NEW awesome things I've been working on!!

My magnetic black cat and vampire family set,they have their own mini cemetery too!

Doodled scenery on the inside!!!!

This is the cover doodle on the lids.

The sweet bunny monster couple on their cool apple orchard.I still need to add their home and lid doodle.

In progress is the awesome Halloween Diner...these are the witches that will own the Diner.You will get two 2 chair tables and one chair table.

Heres the witches having their famous pumpkin brew.

The AWESOME scene box that folds!

You fold downwards and pull the top upright.

Open that box up and you have a hallway that leads into a cool gnome home!

Monster Town

I have loads done and a bit to finish.I'm working on more necklaces and they will be in a store in town for all to look upon! Yay!!! Another update later on!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Another Update

A memory card was ordered thanks to my super awesome husband! It may be here within the week,I am really hoping since I have a ton of coolness to show you all!

I have a cool scene box that folds done (the side needs a side view done) and it is the first to have an actual hallway!

In the Works
A Halloween Diner , with two witch owners. I'm using a hinged tin, there will be three two tables and two one seat tables and the tin will resemble the inside of a Diner. So far everything is baked I'd like to paint the seats yes seats! I'm creating Diner seats too and since everything will be magnetic it will keep the monsters on the chairs.

I'm so excited to bring the new tins out into my shop.... I re-glued the monsters and the glue is holding well so far...I made myself a monster town set to carry around to test the longevity of the glue holding the magnets.

The older tins that were "hill" ones are still in perfect condition...and I'm sure I used the same glue soooo that means I must not have sanded enough which is needed to create a surface for the magnets to attach to and stick better.

So far Done
Magnetic Vampire and black cat family, their mini cemetery,one tree, their home is almost done.The tin's scene of a cemetery is too.

Magnetic bunny monsters,their apple trees and their sweet forest background tin.

So things are being shaped in time for the big garage sale craft show next month!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Still no camera card ,but I did finish my one scene box that folds open and shut.It's pretty cool since the part that folds looks like a hallway when it's folded down. I'm still trying to get the glue and magnets to work together for the tin sets.I don't get why their not working now since the first two are still glued and working well.

I re-sanded the bottoms of the monsters and re-glued them and this morning their in tip top shape and seem to be fine.I also made these adorable monsters that go in a mini café and I'll be testing them with the magnets to see how long it takes for the magnets to come off again or not come off at all! Lets hope it's not at all.

I'm going to finish more bubble monsters and mystery ones too....I should get more things stitched as well.I was thinking while awaiting my husband's return from Walmart with our two sleeping beasts (boys haha) I should put a sewing kit and some fabric scraps in my little doodle bag I have in my larger bag so I could sew some stuff while waiting....Neato I know!

Hopefully soon I shall have more items to show etsy sale bombed as I figured it no new items will get listed until I can pay the bill......but with my upcoming show I should make enough cash to do just that!

Another update another day!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hey folks! so my camera is still without it's memory card.I have worked on my new folding box for my monsters homes...I just need to glue in the paper rooms and get the flooring finished.These boxes are way cool! they kind of create a hall way I'm doodling some trim on the sides and maybe gluing some fancy cardstock in for a carpet.

I made my kiddos some cool clay Daleks. I made their arms out of toothpicks and some round clay pieces for at the end to act as their suction cup hands....incase you don't know what Daleks are they are those crazy robotic aliens that love to "Exterminate" things!

I basically just made the shape of them, then I put holes in the clay where the arms go baked them and then put their arms in....this way they won't break.All that was left to do was drawn the little ball details and the rings where their necks are biggie I can do that later but their one large eye is also on the top....Very cool!!!  I would have to say my favorite character (besides the Doctor) would be the lovely Amelia Pond... she's adorable and awesome!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Major Bummer

Of course my luck is turned around again,my camera isn't working! I am so close to finished with the new magnetic tin sets too.

So far all I need to do is get the little paper mache box homes done...I started to do the vampire and cat family's and it looks way cool....the bunnies are getting a cottage feeling house.This weekend I should have these done and listed if my camera isn't a jerk!

These cuties were sent out for a trade in return I get some adorable bat hairclips!

These are so adorable and full of sweet punk gothness! If you would
like some of these as well check out Katrina's shop she has some amazing and adorable clay sculpts too!!! My favorite is the sweet octopus with ice cream!
My son cleaned me out of fabric dolls,so now there is no listed ones he refused to give them back because he wanted them.I will have the mini felt monsters up as long as he doesn't see them haha! I'm sure I can make a deal next time but if either of my boys are that interested in my plushies then they can have them!

Edgar!!! Well that's all for now folks, maybe more this weekend for you!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Magnetic Update

Alrighty folks! My magnets came and now I am waiting on the tin for my bunny monsters to dry. I had a slight tiny mishap with a tree and monster ...the magnets came off so I scraped the glue off and sanded their bottoms again to re-do the gluing!

Apple tree being re-glued.

Pappa vampire being re-glued

 My magnets!!!! all 500 of them.
I'm loving the county Forest scene I made for the bunnies....their little home is going to be like a cottage too.Super cute!!
 Here are the cute bunnies and their one apple tree.The bottom has flowers in the grass too!

I have a Siamese zombie twin pendant and bubblegum one ready to go on some ribbon cords!
Lots of stuff to finish yay! Hopefully by next weekend everything will be listed.

Friday, June 7, 2013

New stuff

Heres another awesome monster set I made and have yet to list...

Sophia and James

They fit in a hinged tin home

Ready for bed.
So I just need to make the background and a carpet.
This weekend I'll have this and the scene box finished!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Inspiration Unfolds

I was browsing on etsy like usual and came upon this way cool vintage Japanese money bank...

Theres a slit in the back for change and a hole on the bottom.So as soon as I seen this I instantly thought of my monsters! I may try making a bank!! I'll need to see if I have some kinda cork pluh or just make my own with clay. This is a sweet little thing,and I thank Apricott Circus for the inspiration! If you'd like to see more cool stuff check out her shop.... She also has some beautiful bohemian bags,their absolutely gorgeous!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I'm still working on a scene box....all thats needed now is the bathroom and kitchen doodles and the entire thing needs sealed and it's done! I have the lovely Sue modeling...she's my vampire pal in the craft room.....

Backyard Garden scene

Side view of the house

Front view of the house


Close up of the inside

Velcro closure
I really love making these even though it does take me awhile to finish them,they look awesome!
In progress we have a few monster pendants
Drying best friends duo and bubblegum kitten.

 Monster in waiting to be doodled on!

Cute nerd gnome ready to be listed.

Vampire pendant I'm showing off today!
I also have magnets in the works,I made a set already but want to make more before I list them...
The one on the bottom is a werecat girl.....I have a zombie too...more coming!!!
And thats the update!