Thursday, January 3, 2013


I have a few things thought out for my shop and heres the supply list...

For the new playmats I'm painting them onto muslin cotton blend fabric with this...

(This will be painted soon)
Tulip makes some amazing products and I trust them! So I'll be getting this paint and working on some new mats.....their all going to be 4" by 4" because this way you can connect your sets easier and you can mis-match your sets too if you want.

The sets will all come in a mini tote bag,I'm sewing my house fronts on like the custom plush set I've done before....the bags are mini but perfect for kids!

Theres the tote house...very cute (the plushies are too). And I'll just sign my initials on the back with a fabric marker.

And I want to work on Mini theme packs! This is what I came up with for Spooky City,the vampires are finished I just didn't get a snap of them yet,their drying.

In the theme packs you get a part of Monstrous Baubles and two monsters.So the next one may be the Tinsel Mountains,or Flower Fields since Valentines Day is coming up.I love this idea because now you have Four options
1 you can buy a dollor promo monster
2 youcan buy a monster pack can get a mini community
4. you can get a theme pack
And for others not wanting those you can get a ..
Monster face pin
Monster face magnet
Or soon to come....
A monster trading card pack of four!
I think I have a plan now!