Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monster Update!

I fixed the problem with smearing monster faces....I only put one layer of mod podge sealer on and some wax and it doesn't come off at all unless you were to scratch it off with your nails and I don't see why anyone would do that!

Heres a couple of the new and improved monsters

There are three monster packs and Frankenstein is part of a pack in the works.
Cupcake couple,zombie cupcake couple and a demon family.
And I have two more sets in the making
And a super awesome magnetic WORKING playset I have started.....

This set will be made from flat wood surfaces,magnets are places on the board,trees and hosues will have magnets on the bottom.I'm painting many layers on this one since I still need small silver earth magnets,those will take paint the best! The houses will have no lid because the inside will still be the house but if you want the appearance of just the house,you turn the house around and the front will show.I'm looking for bigger wood pieces too so they can be bigger.....I don't know when these will be up for sale hopefully by Christmas.